The most inspiring natural scenery in San Miguel de Allende

Today is Earth Day. There will be speeches about  world’s environmental challenges, sustainability, civilization, etc…etc…etc…

But not from us, today we want to talk to you about “Earth Inspiration”. Nature is the major source of inspiration. When viewing nature from unusual or different perspectives, designers can produce more original and visually interesting results.

The power of nature to transform us, infusing all of our senses, becomes evident every time we let ourselves immerse into the  wildlife.

Let us show you the place that inspired 4 of our fabrics, a place full of magic, full of mystery, a placed not to be missed if you are in San Miguel de Allende.

The Botanical Garden El Charco del Ingenio is a sacred nature conservation area in San Miguel de Allende.

charco del ingenio

SHOP IT: Fabric Charco del Ingenio $320 pesos

The botanical garden boasts one of the largest collections of succulents in Mexico. The collection is made up primarily of the family Cactaceae, along with other families of succulent plants.

jardin botanico

SHOP IT: Fabric Jardin Botanico  $320 pesos

Today, most of the botanical collection consists of plants gathered over the years from all parts of the country and carefully identified.


SHOP IT: Fabric Suculentas Rosas $320 pesos

When you feel that need for a break from the city’s 18th-century churches and bustling, cobblestone streets, it’s time for a nature fix at El Charco del Ingenio.


SHOP IT: Fabric Organos $320 pesos

What a beautiful place to explore, learn, grow, and relax.

Try zooming out and viewing nature from a distance to get a fresh perspective. A broader view of the world may be just what you need for some inspiration.

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